Wednesday, May 31, 2006

June 2006 Newsletter

Hi All,

What if God does not answer my prayer? If you are asking this question you should probably be asking; What if God does not answer my prayer the way that I want him to? God answers all prayers, but sometimes it is not in the way that we think He should. How many people do you think pray that they will win the lottery? If you have seen the movie "Bruce Almighty" you probably remember what happened when Bruce granted everyone's prayers just the way that they wanted -- chaos. So many people won the lottery that they each received less than $20.

Is it in our best interest that God answer all of our prayers exactly how we want Him to? I do not think so. Think about when you ask your parents for something. Do you always get what you asked for? I highly doubt it. Why? Because your parents know what is best for you. It is the same with God. He knows what is best for you. In Job 30:20 Job is talking to his friends and says "I cry out to you, God, but you do not answer; I stand up but you just look at me." Job is looking for answers to his current situation and is not getting what he thinks he should. Later in Job 38 the Lord questions Job, "Then the Lord answered Job from the storm. He said, 'Who is this that makes my purpose unclear by saying things that are not true? Be strong like a man! I will ask you questions, and you must answer me. Where were you when I made the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand.'" God goes on asking Job many more questions. Finally in chapter 42 Job answers the Lord, "Then Job answered the Lord: 'I know that you can do all things and that no plan of yours can be ruined.'"

God hears more prayers every moment of every day than we could even begin to imagine:
Please God,
"… don't let my parents get divorced."

"… make the cancer go away."
"… make me rich."
"… I really want the new Playstation 3 when it gets into the stores."
"… don't make me go to Sunday school."
"… please make that cute girl like me."
"… please bring more people to our church."
Are some of these things wrong to ask for? No. I know that I have prayed for some of them. The thing that we each need to remember is that God answers our prayers in the way that He sees best for us. God also answers our prayers in His time, not ours.

This morning at the Marion High School Bible study a teacher came and sat in the room. She was early as she was a substitute and needed to prepare for the day. As with anyone that enters the room I prayed, "God, I do not know if this teacher knows who you are. It is my prayer this morning that if she does that the words that she hears would be a blessing to her. If she does not know you, please open her heart and mind to hear what is being said. In Jesus name I pray, Amen." I try to keep the prayer short and to the point for a couple of reasons. Many times the teachers and students that come in and out of the room do so rather quickly. The other reason is that I do not want to miss what is being said in the Bible study. When we had finished the teacher said that it was a blessing to hear what she heard this morning. WOW! Hearing that was a blessing to me.

I have also prayed for a couple of people in my life that have chosen to leave me out of their lives at this time. I used to pray that they would change their mind, that they would let me be a part of their lives. I do not pray this anymore. Why? God gave each of us freewill and no matter what God is currently telling them they have the freewill to listen or not to listen. I am still praying, but I am praying for what I know God can do. I am praying that God would soften their hearts to His word. I also pray that God would put someone in each of their lives that would help guide them back to God. Occasionally I see a little light at the end of the tunnel. I just keep reminding myself to leave it in God's hands. He will take care of it. Is it hard? You bet, but God is getting me through it.

So how should you pray? In Matthew 6:9-13 Jesus teaches, "This, then, is how you should pray:
'Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.'"

Here is another way to pray called ACTS:
Supplication (asking God for our needs and the needs of others)

Because of Him,


Upcoming Meetings

  • Join us on the 14th for movie night beginning at 5:15 PM. This would be a great night to invite some friends, just let us know how many are coming so we can make sure that we have enough to eat (please be sure to bring $3 to help cover the cost of the meal). Are you part of another youth group? Have your youth leader get a hold of us; we would love to have you join us!
  • On the 7th and the 28th we will worship and fellowship from 5:45 to 6:45 P.M.
  • Confirmation meets for the final time on the 7th from 6:45 – 7:45 P.M.
  • Confirmation Sunday is June 11th.

Events not scheduled yet will be announced as far in advance as possible so you can make plans to attend.
The movie scheduled to be shown could change without warning due to availability.

Upcoming Concerts/Events

4th Prayer at the Ballpark. Kernel's game followed by prayer and worship in celebration of the Global Day of Prayer
10th Hus Racing League. Youth working in the kitchen from 10 AM - 3 PM. Fundraiser
11th Confirmation Sunday
18th Fathers’ Day

Every Monday: Youth Prayer Time, 7 PM at the old SW Target parking lot.
Every Thursday: High School Bible Study (new time and place begin June 8th) 11 AM at Java Creek on the corner of Boyson Road NE and C Ave. NE.
Every Friday: Marion High School Bible Study (new time and place begin June 9th) 11 AM at Perkins on the Collins Road NE.

Times subject to change.

A conversation with God
Hi God. In case I have not told you lately, I love you with all my heart, soul, and mind. I know I have not told you that enough lately. I also know that I have done some things that are not pleasing to you. Please forgive for my sins. Thank you for Your grace. It is only by Your Grace that I can be saved from my sins. God I even thank you for the times of trouble that I have had because those times of trouble have made me stronger and have brought me closer to you. God I pray for that everyone would come into a closer relationship with you and that they would truly understand how much you love them. In Jesus’ precious and holy name, Amen.

Do not forget to pray. You may be thinking to yourself that God already knows what you are thinking and going through. He still wants to hear it from you. You tell your friends and family what is going on in your life, why not tell your Father God?

Copyright ©2006 180° Youth & Family Life Ministries, a ministry of Hus Presbyterian Church
All rights reserved.

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