Tuesday, July 25, 2006

TV Industry Unites On Viewer Education

It is amazing how something like changing the broadcast indecency fine from $32,500 to $325,000 can get the attention of the entertainment industry. For the most part the reason that the broadcast networks, cable networks, and satellite services got together was out of fear. Fear that fines would increase and that there would be more regulation on what is broadcast.

A question that I have is why did it take ten-fold fine increase for them to sit up and take notice? I watched the PSA (Public Service Announcement) at
www.thetvboss.org and found it amusing at best. Will it be effective? I doubt it. The website itself does have some good information on it about the ratings game, I mean ratings system and it would is a good start for parents to start learning what they can do.

Because of Him,


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