Thursday, January 17, 2008

2007 Youth & Family Life Ministries Report

Hus Racing League (HRL): The second season got off to a great start on February 10th and continued until the final race on November 10th. This year we began printing announcements and placing them on the tables. Announcements for both internal and external activities are included. We continue to look for and incorporate best practices (i.e. nametags for those working, room configuration, etc.).

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Walk: (Feb. 24) The youth group was all set to run the games during the walk until the ice storm hit. Bobby B., Brianna M., Karissa L., Diane, and I were able to get to Westdale Mall and work the games. Over 1000 people made it out and they raised over $500,000. Lisa M. was involved with the walk itself and helped to organize it. There are pictures of me in the Hostess Twinkie costume and Lisa in the Easter bunny costume.

Linn County Association of Evangelicals (LCAE): I began attending the luncheons that LCAE puts on in 2005 and have now been a member for over a year. At each luncheon there is a speaker. The 2006-2007 year focused on "Building Healthy Leaders." The 2007-2008 year's focus is on "Building Healthy Churches." Anyone can attend these luncheons and is encouraged to do so.

Serve the City: Hus Church continues to work with Serve The City (STC). In August and September there were two evangelism trainings (these will be done again in the Spring of 2008. Prayer, Care, Share continued with a Care event on October 20th and a Share event is scheduled for July 2008 called Jammin' Jubilee (see the Serve The City Update for more details).

Shamrock Around The Clock: There were 3 youth that took part in the event this year: Kerina B., Brittney N. (Kerina's friend), and Alycia P.. We began at the church on Friday (March 18th) at 6:30 PM and after instructions we started the scavenger hunt at 7 PM. We finally arrived at the secret location at 10:30 PM. During the event we had to solve clues that took us to the next location (8 in all). Before we could move on we had to do something for the elves. When we reached the rally sight we had to perform for the Leprechaun (song, poem, etc.). There was a green food buffet and a gospel message to finish the night at about midnight.

89.1 Family Skate Night: We continue to promote this event and encourage parents to go with their kids. A portion of the proceeds for the skates this year were donated to Youth for Christ East Iowa.

Christian Education Workshop: On April 12th I attended the CE Workshop at Camp Wyoming. The day began with a short time of worship during which Kevin Cullum (Camp Director) gave a message on how to "Rest, Refresh, & Renew." There were three sessions with three workshops:

Session 1
Ideas for Service Projects
§ Sunday School Rotation
§ Christian Crafts for Kids

Session 2
§ Mission Trip Ideas
§ Christian Education in Small Church
§ Group Games with little or no props

Session 3
§ One time event ideas
§ Kid friendly worship
§ Leader Appreciation

I attended the sessions in Italics. Each of the sessions were productive partly because of the information that was presented but more so because of the ideas that were exchanged with the participants. The day was also a great way to connect with others that work with youth.

Easter Breakfast: The youth served the breakfast after the Sunrise service (approx. 8:15 AM) on Easter.

30 Hour Famine: On April 27th and 28th we hosted our 2nd Annual 30 Hour Famine. This year New Beginnings Church's X-treme Youth Ministries joined us. We began the Famine with registration from 8 to 8:30 PM and opened in worship after that. Crossed, a local Christian rock band provided the music with a concert. I delivered a message based on Matthew 25:31-46 about midway through the concert. Following the concert there was some free time while the band members packed up. We then split the boys and girls up and Crossed did Bible study time with them. Shortly after midnight when the Bible studies were done there was more free time until lights out at 1 AM. On Saturday morning Chris Richards (Youth Pastor at New Beginnings Church) and I did a morning meditation once everyone was up. About 11:30 AM we got the youth rounded up and split them into two teams for the food scavenger hunt in the neighborhood. Each group took a side of the street and we walked down Schaeffer Drive and back up Southland. The youth took turns going to the door (with the rest of the group right behind them) and asked for a donation for Mission of Hope's food pantry. Each home received a thank you on the spot.

The scavenger hunt lasted just over three hours. Chris and I took the money that was donated to Hy-Vee and purchased 20 boxes of crackers. The youth were very tired at this point so we took a break. At about 4:30 PM we loaded up the food, the youth, and the adults and headed to Mission of Hope. We were met there by a photographer from the Gazette and later by a reporter from the Gazette (an article appeared in The Gazette on May 1st and is attached to this report). Once the food was brought in the youth then were split up by the staff at Mission of Hope to clean bathrooms, vacuum, pickup garbage outside, wash windows, and put food away in the pantry. Not a single youth complained. We concluded the famine by breaking bread together. Everyone was welcome to stay for the evening service at Mission of Hope however several did go home. The youth raised $1024 between the two churches that will help feed three kids for one year.

BOOM Sunday: The youth continued with BOOM Sundays this year. There were a couple of times where it was not possible to do these, but the kids remained committed to doing them. We found that it works best to have the youth just plug into a normal service instead of trying to do something different. This may change as the group continues to grow but for now it is the model we are going to use.

Confirmation: Adam C., Karissa L., and Marissa V. gave their Statements of Faith during the May 20th worship service. Each did this aided by a PowerPoint presentation. Each of the confirmands was presented with a Certificate of Membership and a NIV Teen Devotional Bible (Adam's is for teen guys. Karissa's and Marissa's are for teen girls.). The next confirmation class will begin in September 2008 and there are currently five possible confirmands.

Monthly Fellowship Activity: In June we began a monthly fellowship activity. 9 youth and 8 adults went miniature golfing at The Ridge on June 14th. The Ridge is located at 6677 16th Ave. SW. We were able to get the group rate as there were more than 10 in our group (adults $4, youth $3). Without the group rate the cost goes us 75¢. We had received a scorecard good for 4 free games that we used to pay for 4 of the adults. The other 4 adults were paid for using money from can/bottle redemption. We went bowling at Castle Lanes in Marion on July 20th and on August 7th we went to a Cedar Rapids Kernel's baseball game. Special thanks to Anita K. for giving us tickets to get in to the Kernel's game free. For the final activity of the year we went miniature golfing on September 28.

Sunday Evening Meals Program (SEMP): The youth continued to serve the meal at Cedar Rapids 1st Presbyterian Church from 4 - 6 PM on the first Sunday of February, April, June, August, October, and December. By a unanimous vote the youth decided to continue this in 2008.

Movie night continued on the first Wednesday of each month. We received our CVLI on 4/13/2007. Movie night was placed on hold from June through August because no one wants to sit inside when it is nice outside.

Monthly Parents Meetings began in May. We alternate every other month where we meet between the Coffee Talk Café on the south side and Panera Bread on the north. Topics of discussion have been over mission trips, fundraising, the monthly fellowship activities, as well as upcoming events and the youth ministry in general. These meetings are not limited to just parents with youth, anyone who is interested in working with the youth ministry (even on a limited basis) is encouraged to attend. Watch the bulletin and newsletter for the date, time, and location.

Fundraising: During Easter we had the Memorial Tree. People purchased a nail and card for $5 in honor/memory of someone and it was hung on the tree. The fundraiser was a bake sale on Saturday, June 23rd during the Raising Praise free concert in the park (Marion Square Park) with the remaining items being sold the next morning after worship. In all the youth raised $185 for the mission trip. We also sold Hy-Vee coupon books. We discussed selling the Younkers Community Day coupon books however due to available dates and times we did not participate. Younkers will continue to let us know about upcoming opportunities. We checked into cleaning Veteran's Memorial Stadium during the 2008 season. We have been selling the 2008 calendars and cards from Youth Group Promotions. A fundraising chili supper is being planned for February 2008. The proceeds of the dinner would be for the benefit of the church in thanks for all the support the youth ministry receives.

Mission Trip: June 24-29, 2007, St. Louis, MO. After learning our lesson last year we rented a 15-passenger van and headed to Missouri on June 24th. We stayed at North County Christian School and worked with the Baden Community Christian Church in St. Louis. In the mornings we worked at different locations with some doing work for local residents while others helped at the church. In the afternoons we were split between the church and a local park where 2 separate Vacation Bible Schools took place. This year was incredibly impacting and we are looking forward to 2008.

10 Rules for Youth Group: We have always had rules for youth group however until they were actually put in print they were not always easy to enforce. The following are the rules that were implemented this past fall and are being followed:
1. We will respect God.
2. We will respect each other, including leaders.
3. We will respect others property.
4. We will not use inappropriate or offensive language or gestures.
5. Participation with the group is expected.
6. We will put all electronic devices away until we leave.
7. Public Displays of Affection (PDA) are prohibited
8. No fighting, weapons, fireworks, lighters, or explosives.
9. We will not use or be in possession of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.
10. No offensive or immodest clothing (no bellies, cleavage, or undergarments showing).

The Extreme Tour ~ East Coast '07: We hosted The Extreme Tour on August 6th - 9th. There were 6 bands and a professional skateboarder on the tour. On the evening of the 7th they went out and invited unchurched youth from around town to come to the concert on the 8th. Many lessons were learned from this experience. Bands sleep all day and are up all night. They eat at strange times and do not know what a schedule is outside of a concert schedule.

Fall Retreat was held on October 26th-28th at Camp Wyoming. The theme was "Freedom In Christ" and based on the Fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5. Adam C., Jon C., Danaca P., Lydia R., Amy P., and Alycia P. attended and all had a great time. I managed to break a finger playing touch, I mean tackle football on Saturday after lunch. Planning has already begun for the 2008 Fall Retreat which is tentatively planned for October 24-26, 2008 at Camp Wyoming.

Halloween: The youth group handed out candy again for Halloween. Each piece had information about youth group on them. We had 41 kids and 2 dogs this year.

Because of Him,

Terry Van Wyk
Youth & Family Life Minister

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