Wednesday, May 14, 2008

May 2008 Newsletter

A History of Hus Memorial Presbyterian Church, Part 7
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Adapted from a handwritten article provided by Elsie Drahovzal

Our Three Josephs
From the land of Hus they came, these three Josephs. They are Joseph Havlik, Joseph Leksa and Joseph Teply. They were born and raised in Bohemia, where most of their folks are still living. Early in life the call of the western world came to their heart. As soon as they had finished public school, they came to America. And their immediate goal was Dubuque for they had learned of Dubuque College and Seminary and its opportunities for the education of the foreigner as a religious leader of his own people.

Not a word of English did they know, nor a word of German, and who of us knew any Bohemian besides Professor Barta and his Bohemian students? But they entered the classes with the rest of the boys. They got English and German by induction and absorption and in any way languages can be acquired. In due time they finished the academy and entered the college. After four years they took their B.A. with honor. Then they entered the Theological Seminary and last spring they were finally ordained to the Gospel ministry and are now in the active Word among their own people. Rev. Joseph Havlik in Iowa, Rev. Joseph Leksa in Nebraska and Rev. Joseph Teply in Kansas.

This their first ten years in America 1907 to 1917 marked their great development. They have become loyal American citizens, well trained ministers of Christ able to preach the Gospel not only in their native tongue but in English and German as well. During their student days they were leaders in the school life. We confidently expect that they will be leaders in their chosen life work among their own people.

Throughout their course they gave an example of most loyal friendship and devotion one to the other and also to their alma mater. We feel confident that this friendship and loyalty will stand the test of time.

The case of our "Three Josephs" is unique in that all three came at the same time from the same place, were of the same age and finished their course as ordained ministers at the same time. It is typical of our work, however, for we have a large number of students who in a similar manner have left father and mother and native land to find in Dubuque College the great opportunity for their life work.

Because of Him ~ Terry

"Don't let this throw you. You trust God, don't you? Trust me. There is plenty of room for you in my Father's home. If that weren't so, would I have told you that I'm on my way to get a room ready for you? And if I'm on my way to get your room ready, I'll come back and get you so you can live where I live. And you already know the road I'm taking."

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