Wednesday, July 29, 2015

False Teachers - July 28, 2015

False Teachers

But there were also false prophets in Israel, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will cleverly teach destructive heresies and even deny the Master who bought them. In this way, they will bring sudden destruction on themselves. Many will follow their evil teaching and shameful immorality. And because of these teachers, the way of truth will be slandered.In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money. But God condemned them long ago, and their destruction will not be delayed.

Peter’s statement here in verse 1 is just as true today as it was when it was written. False teachers abound. Take as an example those who preach a prosperity gospel. “If you give, you will be richly blessed.” In other words, the more you give your money, the more you will be blessed with more money and other riches. What happens if you do not get after you give? Then those who preach the prosperity gospel will tell you that you just don’t have enough faith.

It doesn’t just have to do with money. Prosperity gospel to me seems like all you have to do is ask and as long as you ask with enough faith, you will receive. That is not how it works. Does God give? Absolutely. Does God say yes? You bet. Does God withhold? If it is for our own good I believe he does. He also says no and not now or not yet. The wisdom that God has is far beyond our comprehension. As a parent would you give something to your child that would harm them? I think not!

Are those that preach prosperity gospel good at what they do? They most certainly are. Some have mega-churches. Some have million dollar jets. Some live better than most people in the world do. They can do this because they are so good at getting people to believe the lies of prosperity gospel. They are good at taking the Bible and making it say what they want it to. The scriptures are watered down, twisted, misquoted.

Yes, I am concerned about those that teach this way, but more importantly I am worried about the millions that follow their teachings. It can lead to them making idols of those pastors. They will envy what others have. They will feed into the machine that is taking in all that money. Peter tells us that “In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money.” That could very easily happen in these instances.

The question I have to ask is who are we doing it for, God or ourselves? Is it God’s will be done or our will be done? Paul and the other apostles called these people out for who they were and warned of their destruction. I cannot nor will I even begin to say that a pastor does or does not have a relationship with Christ. That is between them and God.

What I will say is that I refuse to water down God’s Word. I will do my best to make it as understandable as possible but I will not compromise His Word. People’s eternal destination is on the line. I do not want to be responsible for leading someone astray. When it is my time to leave this world I want to hear well done good and faithful servant.

Father, guide and direct us. If a teaching is not from You then I pray that it would be blown away like dust blows with the wind. I know that you will say yes, no and not now. It is in my own best interest. You have a lesson for me to learn. I pray that I hear that message and learn that lesson. Amen!

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