Monday, July 13, 2015

July 13, 2015 SOAPing - Our words

James 3:5
In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire.

There is more to this passage from James than just the destruction that the tongue can create.  He also talks about how powerful it can be. In verses 3-4 he uses the analogies of moving a horse with a "small bit in it mouth" and how "a small rudder makes a huge ship turn wherever the pilot chooses to go." For now let's concentrate on the destructive power of the tongue.

Have you ever said or written something you wish you could take back? I know I have. I like the example Chris used a couple years ago at youth group. He had the kids squeeze a small tube of toothpaste on a plate. Then after he talked about words he gave them a fork and told them to try to put the toothpaste back into the tube. Sounds a little crazy but it made the point. Once our words are out there we can't take them back.

Our words speak volumes. Speak, post and comment wisely whether online or in person. If not, one word, one sentence, one thought can cause a lifetime of hurt. Think about some of the news articles over the past few years.  People get bullied. In some cases those that are bullied are making permanent decisions and taking their lives. I don't want my words to be the ones that are like a single match that light a dry forest on fire. The effects are so much bigger than we can imagine. I don't know what started the fires in Northern Canada, but I do know that the resulting smoke was affecting people all over. Here in Iowa we were warned to stay inside if we had breathing troubles. Our words, written or spoken can have long lasting consequences.

Just like the article below I am relying on God's Word to guide how I not only post and comment online, but also how I speak to others. I know if I don't, well, let's just say I know some of things I would have like to have said. Those words. Those comments. Those posts. They would have been like a small match starting a huge forest fire. So, what do I do with those thoughts? Those words? I tell God how I'm feeling and ask Him to release me from them. I know alone I can't deal with them but He can.

The article I have linked here has more on how we can apply this to our lives every day:

Thank you God for giving us Your Word to teach us.  Your Son Jesus to show us. And the Holy Spirit to guide us. I pray the my words would encourage and not destroy. That my actions would shine Your love and not hate. I pray that in everything I do that You would get the glory. Thank you for using me with all my faults and failures to show and speak so that people would see You in me. Amen

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