Thursday, June 04, 2020

Re-created through a relationship with Jesus

All too often I hear “people can’t change.” I beg to differ. We all change in many ways. There is the change that no one cares for, we get older. God, please do not let me become that grumpy old man on the block! We change in other ways too. Every 7 years our taste buds change. Sometimes it does not take 7 years. Many years ago, I had the opportunity to go to France as an exchange student and was privileged to stay with a wonderful family. Every morning we had grapefruit juice for breakfast. I still cannot stand it to this day. Sauerkraut was another thing I just could not stand, that is until we had it for dinner with sausage. I still love it to this day, although if I want to have any, I have to cook it on the side burner on our grill. Diane does not like the smell in the house.

We also change in many other ways. People who come into a relationship with Jesus Christ change. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT; This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! It is in Christ, through the work of the Holy Spirit that we begin a journey that changes ours lives. In verse 14 Paul writes Christ’s love compels us. His love through the Holy Spirit urges us on. Through that guidance we change, we become new. 

When a person goes to jail it is hoped that they will become rehabilitated and reformed into a productive member of society. With Jesus we are created new. We are not changing how we look like getting a haircut. Being re-created is not superficial. It is transformational. That means the old life is left behind us. It is no longer who we are. It is not who we will be.

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