Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Answer the door!

“Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends. - Revelation 3:20 NLT

This verse always reminds me of the painting that hung in my Grandparent's house. I remember when I was very young that I thought it was strange that there was not a door handle. Then as I got older I began to see this painting as Jesus knocking on the door of our lives as He patiently waited for us to open the door and let Him in. 

I have done some research on this particular print of the painting "Christ at Heart's Door" by Warner Sallman who was an American painter. I found that there were many other paintings that were done with the same themes. Of those is one painted by the English artist William Holman Hunt, “The Light of the World” which he finished in 1853.

As I looked at the painting, “The Light of the World” the only light is Jesus. The door itself, like the painting my Grandparent's had, showed a door with no handle. But this painting shows the door more overgrown with weeds. I have to imagine just by looking at the door that Jesus is knocking on that it, like so many peoples hearts, had rarely been opened. 

It goes beyond even letting Jesus into your heart and making Him your Lord and Savior. I believe it also means letting Him into every aspect of your life. We need to prayer daily for guidance, if not, that door is not open. We need to seek Him in our marriage, if not, that door is not open. We must make Him a part of every moment of our lives. Open every door for Jesus and let the light in, but be sure to lock the door on Satan to keep him out.

Are you answering when Jesus asks to come into your life? If not, why? Trust me, it will be the best decision you will every make!

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