Saturday, May 23, 2020

Discipline is done in love.

Whose favorite part of being a kid was getting disciplined for doing something wrong? Anyone? Me either. I remember when my little brother was very young and he would do something wrong. For a short time I would take the blame for him. That is until the punishment changed. I realized I didn't like getting in trouble for him. Sorry little brother.

For the most part I started out of trouble growing up. It is either that or it is just selective memory. Probably the latter. I do try to learn from my mistakes, although I think we can all agree that sometimes it takes a few tries.

Now as a parent I have had to discipline my kids. Regardless of what our daughters may have thought, I really did not like when I had to do it. It is in love that we discipline our children. There is no joy in discipline, only the hope that those you are disciplining will learn from it. As Hebrews 12:11 says, discipline is painful and I would add for both sides.

No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way. - Hebrews 12:11 NLT

It is done to guide our children down the right path. No parent wants their children to go down the wrong path. Left to on our own with no discipline would be disastrous. Like we want for our children, God wants for us, His children. We live. We do things right. We do things wrong. We get praised. We get disciplined. Know that through His discipline we grow stronger, wiser, and happier. God loves us that much.

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